Create a language understanding model with the Language service (preview)

Note: The conversational language understanding feature of the Language service is currently in preview, and subject to change. In some cases, model training may fail - if this happens, try again.

The Language service enables you to define a conversational language understanding model that applications can use to interpret natural language input from users, predict the users intent (what they want to achieve), and identify any entities to which the intent should be applied.

For example, a conversational language model for a clock application might be expected to process input such as:

What is the time in London?

This kind of input is an example of an utterance (something a user might say or type), for which the desired intent is to get the time in a specific location (an entity); in this case, London.

Note: The task of a conversational language model is to predict the user’s intent and identify any entities to which the intent applies. It is not the job of a conversational language model to actually perform the actions required to satisfy the intent. For example, a clock application can use a conversational language model to discern that the user wants to know the time in London; but the client application itself must then implement the logic to determine the correct time and present it to the user.

Create a Language service resource

To create a conversational language model, you need a Language service resource in a supported region. At the time of writing, only the West US 2 and West Europe regions are supported.

  1. Open the Azure portal at, and sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription.
  2. Select the +Create a resource button, search for language, and create a Language service resource with the following settings.

    • Features: Use the default features, which includes conversational language understanding (preview)
    • Subscription: Your Azure subscription
    • Resource group: Choose or create a resource group (if you are using a restricted subscription, you may not have permission to create a new resource group - use the one provided)
    • Region: West US 2 or West Europe
    • Name: Enter a unique name
    • Pricing tier: Select the Standard (S) tier (Conversational Language Understanding is not currently supported on the Free tier).
    • Legal Terms: Agree
    • Responsible AI Notice: Agree
  3. Wait for deployment to complete, and then view the deployment details.

Create a conversational language understanding project

Now that you have created an authoring resource, you can use it to create a conversational language understanding project.

  1. In a new browser tab, open the Language Studio portal at and sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription.

  2. If prompted to choose a Language resource, select the following settings:

    • Azure Directory: The Azure directory containing your subscription.
    • Azure subscription: Your Azure subscription.
    • Language resource: The Language resource you created previously.
  3. If you are not prompted to choose a language resource, it may be because you have already assigned a different language resource; in which case:

    1. On the bar at the top if the page, click the Settings (⚙) button.
    2. On the Settings page, view the Resources tab.
    3. Select the language resource you just created, and click Switch resource.
    4. At the top of the page, click Language Studio to return to the Language Studio home page.
  4. At the top of the portal, in the Create new menu, select Conversational language understanding.

  5. In the Create a project dialog box, on the Enter basic information page, enter the following details and then click Next:
    • Name: Clock
    • Description: Natural language clock
    • Utterances primary language: English
    • Enable multiple languages in project?: Unselected
  6. On the Review and finish page, click Create.

Create intents

The first thing we’ll do in the new project is to define some intents.

Tip: When working on your project, if some tips are displayed, read them and click Got it to dismiss them, or click Skip all.

  1. On the Build schema page, on the Intents tab, select + Add to add a new intent named GetTime.

  2. Click the new GetTime intent to edit it, add the following utterances as example user input:

    what is the time?

    what's the time?

    what time is it?

    tell me the time

  3. After you’ve added these utterances, click Save changes and go back to the Build schema page.

  4. Add another new intent named GetDay with the following utterances:

    what day is it?

    what's the day?

    what is the day today?

    what day of the week is it?

  5. After you’ve added these utterances and saved them, go back to the Build schema page and add another new intent named GetDate with the following utterances:

    what date is it?

    what's the date?

    what is the date today?

    what's today's date?

  6. After you’ve added these utterances, save them and clear the GetDate filter on the utterances page so you can see all of the utterances for all of the intents.

Train and test the model

Now that you’ve added some intents, let’s train the language model and see if it can correctly predict them from user input.

  1. In the pane on the left, select the Train model page and then select Start a training job.

  2. On the Start a training job dialog, select the option to train a new model, naming it Clock and ensuring that the option to run evaluation when training is enabled.

  3. To begin the process of training your model, click Train.

  4. When training is complete (which may take several minutes) the job Status will change to Training succeeded.

  5. Select the View model details page, and then select the Clock model. Review the overall and per-intent evaluation metrics (precision, recall, and F1 score) and the confusion matrix generated by the evaluation that was performed when training (note that due to the small number of sample utterances, not all intents may be included in the results).

    Note: To learn more about the evaluation metrics, refer to the documentation

  6. On the Deploy model page, select Add deployment.

  7. On the Add deployment dialog, select Create a new deployment name, and then enter production

  8. Select the Clock model and click Submit. This deployment may take some time.

  9. When the model has been deployed, on the Test model page, select the Clock model.

  10. On the Test Model: Clock page, in the Deployment name dropdown, select production.

  11. Enter the following text, and then click Run the test:

    what's the time now?

    Review the result that is returned, noting that it includes the predicted intent (which should be GetTime) and a confidence score that indicates the probability the model calculated for the predicted intent. The JSON tab shows the comparative confidence for each potential intent (the one with the highest confidence score is the predicted intent)

  12. Clear the text box, and then run another test with the following text:

    tell me the time

    Again, review the predicted intent and confidence score.

  13. Try the following text:

    what's the day today?

    Hopefully the model predicts the GetDay intent.

Add entities

So far you’ve defined some simple utterances that map to intents. Most real applications include more complex utterances from which specific data entities must be extracted to get more context for the intent.

Add a learned entity

The most common kind of entity is a learned entity, in which the model learns to identify entity values based on examples.

  1. In Language Studio, return to the Build schema page and then on the Entities tab, select + Add to add a new entity.

  2. In the Add an entity dialog box, enter the entity name Location and ensure that Learned is selected. Then click Add entity.

  3. After the Location entity has been created, return to the Build schema page and then on the Intents tab, select the GetTime intent.

  4. Enter the following new example utterance:

    what time is it in London?

  5. When the utterance has been added, select the word London, and in the drop-down list that appears, select Location to indicate that “London” is an example of a location.

  6. Add another example utterance:

    Tell me the time in Paris?

  7. When the utterance has been added, select the word Paris, and map it to the Location entity.

  8. Add another example utterance:

    what's the time in New York?

  9. When the utterance has been added, select the words New York, and map them to the Location entity.

  10. Click Save changes to save the new utterances.

Add a list entity

In some cases, valid values for an entity can be restricted to a list of specific terms and synonyms; which can help the app identify instances of the entity in utterances.

  1. In Language Studio, return to the Build schema page and then on the Entities tab, select + Add to add a new entity.

  2. In the Add an entity dialog box, enter the entity name Weekday and select the List entity type. Then click Add entity.

  3. On the page for the Weekday entity, in the List section, click + Add new list. Then enter the following value and synonym and click Save:

    List key synonyms
    Sunday Sun
  4. Repeat the previous step to add the following list components:

    Value synonyms
    Monday Mon
    Tuesday Tue, Tues
    Wednesday Wed, Weds
    Thursday Thur, Thurs
    Friday Fri
    Saturday Sat
  5. Return to the Build schema page and then on the Intents tab, select the GetDate intent.

  6. Enter the following new example utterance:

    what date was it on Saturday?

  7. When the utterance has been added, select the word Saturday, and in the drop-down list that appears, select Weekday.

  8. Add another example utterance:

    what date will it be on Friday?

  9. When the utterance has been added, map Friday to the Weekday entity.

  10. Add another example utterance:

    what will the date be on Thurs?

  11. When the utterance has been added, map Thurs to the Weekday entity.

  12. Click Save changes to save the new utterances.

Add a prebuilt entity

The Language service provides a set of prebuilt entities that are commonly used in conversational applications.

  1. In Language Studio, return to the Build schema page and then on the Entities tab, select + Add to add a new entity.

  2. In the Add an entity dialog box, enter the entity name Date and select the Prebuilt entity type. Then click Add entity.

  3. On the page for the Date entity, in the Prebuilt section, click + Add new prebuilt.

  4. In the Select prebuilt list, select DateTime and then click Save.

  5. Return to the Build schema page and then on the Intents tab, select the GetDay intent.

  6. Enter the following new example utterance:

    what day was 01/01/1901?

  7. When the utterance has been added, select 01/01/1901, and in the drop-down list that appears, select Date.

  8. Add another example utterance:

    what day will it be on Dec 31st 2099?

  9. When the utterance has been added, map Dec 31st 2099 to the Date entity.

  10. Click Save changes to save the new utterances.

Retrain the model

Now that you’ve modified the schema, you need to retrain and retest the model.

  1. On the Train model page, select Start a training job.

  2. On the Start a training job dialog, select the option to overwrite an existing model and specify the Clock model. Ensure that the option to run evaluation when training is selected and click Train to train the model; confirming you want to overwrite the existing model.

  3. When training is complete the job Status will update to Training succeeded.

  4. Select the View model details page and then select the Clock model. Review the overall, per-entity, and per-intent evaluation metrics (precision, recall, and F1 score) and the confusion matrix generated by the evaluation that was performed when training (note that due to the small number of sample utterances, not all intents may be included in the results).

  5. On the Deploy model page, select Add deployment.

  6. On the Add deployment dialog, select Override an existing deployment name, and then select production.

  7. Select the Clock model and then click Submit to deploy it. This may take some time.

  8. When the model is deployed, on the Test model page, select the Clock model, select the production deployment, and then test it with the following text:

    what's the time in Edinburgh?

  9. Review the result that is returned, which should hopefully predict the GetTime intent and a Location entity with the text value “Edinburgh”.

  10. Try testing the following utterances:

    what time is it in Tokyo?

    what date is it on Friday?

    what's the date on Weds?

    what day was 01/01/2020?

    what day will Mar 7th 2030 be?

Use the model from a client app

In a real project, you’d iteratively refine intents and entities, retrain, and retest until you are satisfied with the predictive performance. Then, when you’ve tested it and are satisfied with its predictive performance, you can use it in a client app by calling its REST interface. In this exercise, you’ll use the curl utility to call the REST endpoint for your model.

  1. In Language Studio, on the Deploy model page, select the Clock model. Then click Get prediction URL.

  2. In the Get prediction URL dialog box, note that the URL for the prediction endpoint is shown along with a sample request, which consists of a curl command that submits an HTTP POST request to the endpoint, specifying the key for your Language resource in the header and including a query and language in the request data.

  3. Copy the sample request, and paste it into your preferred text editor (for example Notepad).

  4. Replace the following placeholders:
    • YOUR_QUERY_HERE: What’s the time in Sydney

    The command should resemble the following code:

     curl -X POST "" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 0ab1c23de4f56..."  -H "Apim-Request-Id: 9zy8x76wv5u43...." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"verbose\":true,\"query\":\"What's the time in Sydney?\",\"language\":\"EN\"}"
  5. Open a command prompt (Windows) or bash shell (Linux/Mac).

  6. Copy and paste the edited curl command to your command line interface and run it.

  7. View the resulting JSON, which should include the predicted intent and entities, like this:

     {"query":"What's the time in Sydney?","prediction":{"topIntent":"GetTime","projectKind":"conversation","intents":[{"category":"GetTime","confidenceScore":0.9998859},{"category":"GetDate","confidenceScore":9.8372206E-05},{"category":"GetDay","confidenceScore":1.5763446E-05}],"entities":[{"category":"Location","text":"Sydney","offset":19,"length":6,"confidenceScore":1}]}}
  8. Review the JSON response returned by your model to ensure that the top scoring intent predicted is GetTime.

  9. Change the query in the curl command to What's today's date? and then run it and review the resulting JSON.

  10. Try the following queries:

    What day will Jan 1st 2050 be?

    What time is it in Glasgow?

    What date will next Monday be?

Export the project

You can use Language Studio to develop and test your language understanding model, but in a software development process for DevOps, you should maintain a source controlled definition of the project that can be included in continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. While you can use the Language REST API in code scripts to create and train the model, a simpler way is to use the portal to create the model schema, and export it as a .json file that can be imported and retrained in another Language service instance. This approach enables you to make use of the productivity benefits of the Language Studio visual interface while maintaining portability and reproducibility for the model.

  1. In Language Studio, on the Projects page, select the Clock project. Don’t click Clock, select the circle icon to select the Clock project.

  2. Click the ⤓ Export button.

  3. Save the Clock.json file that is generated (anywhere you like).

  4. Open the downloaded file in your favorite code editor (for example, Visual Studio Code) to review the JSON definition of your project.

More information

For more information about using the Language service to create conversational language understanding solutions, see the Language service documentation.